Synapse Hydra - VST V1.2 SERIAL Download !!INSTALL!!
protein kinase c (pkc) is a family of ser/thr kinases that are involved in a variety of processes in the nervous system. pkc regulates the activity of a broad spectrum of cellular proteins that control membrane dynamics, exocytosis, synaptic transmission, and brain development. although multiple pkc isoforms have been identified, the function of pkc in the nervous system is unknown. to determine the function of pkc in the nervous system, we generated a pkc mutant knock-in mouse strain. we found that pkcζ-deficient mice display defects in synaptic transmission at the cerebellar parallel fibers and hippocampal schaffer collateral fibers. these defects are due to impaired release of synaptic vesicles and presynaptic mechanisms of neurotransmission. pkcζ-deficient mice have a reduced number of synapses and show reduced synaptic plasticity. we conclude that pkcζ is required for the maintenance of synapses and synaptic plasticity. these data demonstrate that pkc is required for the functional integrity of synapses in the nervous system.
Synapse Hydra - VST v1.2 SERIAL download
unsolved questions of primate evolution: how do apes, monkeys and hominids differ from each other and from other primates? how do they compare to other mammals? what is the sequence of events during the evolution of primates? to address these questions we mapped the genome of a prosimian primate, the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). this was achieved by a combination of a new generation sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. this revealed that the gray mouse lemur genome is highly primate-specific and differs substantially from other placental mammals. in addition, our data suggest that the gray mouse lemur is the closest primate relative of the human. we identified genes that are highly conserved in primates and that are affected in humans by genetic variants that predispose to disease. these include genes that are involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism, synapse formation and neuronal transmission. together, our findings provide insights into the genome evolution of primates. they also demonstrate the power of genomics for comparative biology and may provide key insights into the evolution of human disease.